Sunday, May 17, 2009

Episode 5 - Doors

I've become fascinated by doors. In Houston your front doors are, for the most part, the same size, and there are a limited variety of styles. You may or may not have windows, and the windows may be in a design on part or all of the door.

Over here doors are a completely different proposition. In all the villages we've been to I've seen so many kinds of front doors I can't believe it. Some of the oldest ones, especially the arch-shaped ones, were once stable doors, but why the others are so different I have no idea. These pictures are of a few of the doors here in Siegendorf.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these doors are beautiful - never seen anything like them! Were these taken right near where you live or in surrounding areas?

    Sorry you couldn't be here for Rebecca's Spring Show. Check it out on

    (or search for Rebecca Hoffman La Vien Rose)
